The Best Retouchers for Beauty Photographers, London based and Worldwide

As a photographer, I am often keen to get the most natural retouching treatment as possible, however, even the most beautiful models will often require some degree of retouching to achieve the flawless and polished look that clients demand. This is due to the fact that generally speaking, us beauty photographers tend to use macro lenses in combination with our high resolution cameras. These two bits of equipment combined end up capturing more detail than the human eye ever could. As a result, we need to use natural beauty retouching to elevate the image to give you that true to eye natural beauty look. As a beauty photographer, you need to work specifically with retouchers who understand the intricacies of the beauty industry and can deliver high-quality results that meet your clients' expectations.

While retouching is an essential part of the beauty photography process, it's not necessarily a skill that every photographer needs to master. In fact, outsourcing your retouching to a skilled professional can free up more time for you to focus on what you do best - taking great photos.

Beauty retouching is a whole skill in itself, requiring a deep understanding of the beauty industry, as well as technical skills and creativity. It's not something that can be learned overnight, and even experienced photographers can struggle to produce flawless results without the help of a professional retoucher. Imagine it this way, you splurge on your camera equipment and lighting, but leave the metaphorical icing on the cake to a non professional? Why not outsource a true professional, that way you can ensure that your images receive the professional finish they deserve.

Below, I list the top beauty retouchers worldwide that I like to work with on beauty projects. By working with these retouchers, you can take your beauty photography to the next level!

Marina Karaskevich

Marina’s Instagram Grid

Marina’s portfolio

Tatiana Saveleva

Tati’s Instagram Grid

Tatiana’s Portfolio

Diana Nehrebetska

Screen grab of a beauty photographers retoucher instagram, showing grid of 8 retouched beauty images

Diana’s Instagram Grid

Diana’s Portfolio

Jody Brock

Jody’s Portfolio


Sneak Peek into My Latest Beauty Photography Test Shoot with Model Cecilia Gamas in London


Mastering the Craft of Beauty Retouching: Insights from London-based Beauty Photographer | Chloe Kempson